What we believe in
We believe in the the 16 Fundamental Truths of the Assemblies of God. These truths are a concise summary of our core beliefs. These include doctrines about the Bible's inspiration, the one true God, the deity of Jesus Christ, the fall of man, salvation, ordinances of the church, the baptism in the Holy Spirit, the initial physical evidence of the Holy Spirit baptism, sanctification, the church and its mission, the ministry, divine healing, the blessed hope, the millennial reign of Christ, the final judgment, and the new heavens and earth.
For a detailed explanation of each truth, please visit the official website.
The 16 Fundamental Truths of the Assemblies of God are:
The Bible's inspiration and infallibility.
The one true God existing in three persons.
The deity and humanity of Jesus Christ.
The fall of humanity and original sin.
Salvation through Jesus Christ.
Ordinances: Baptism and Holy Communion.
Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Evidence of Holy Spirit baptism.
Sanctification as a process.
The Church's mission and purpose.
The function of ministry.
Divine healing.
The blessed hope of Jesus' return.
Christ's millennial reign.
Final judgment.
New heavens and new earth.